7 research outputs found

    An Architecture for Biometric Electronic Identification Document System Based on Blockchain †

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    This paper proposes an architecture for biometric electronic identification document (e-ID) system based on Blockchain for citizens identity verification in transactions corresponding to the notary, registration, tax declaration and payment, basic health services and registration of economic activities, among others. To validate the user authentication, a biometric e-ID system is used to avoid spoofing and related attacks. Also, to validate the document a digital certificate is used with the corresponding public and private key for each citizen by using a user’s PIN. The proposed transaction validation process was implemented on a Blockchain system in order to record and verify the transactions made by all citizens registered in the electoral census, which guarantees security, integrity, scalability, traceability, and no-ambiguity. Additionally, a Blockchain network architecture is presented in a distributed and decentralized way including all the nodes of the network, database and government entities such as national register and notary offices. The results of the application of a new consensus algorithm to our Blockchain network are also presented showing mining time, memory and CPU usage when the number of transactions scales up

    Proyecto de emprendimiento social de mujeres para la producción de panela en la vereda el banco del Municipio de Yacopí Cundinamarca

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    Encuesta realizada el 10 de junio 2022 para conocer la necesidad del consumo de la panelaEl siguiente proyecto analiza la viabilidad de la realización de un emprendimiento social Panelgrup en la vereda el Banco, del municipio de Yacopi Cundinamarca, una empresa que valora el esfuerzo y habilidades de las mujeres cabeza de hogar, empoderándolas para que obtengan ingresos y apoyen en la economía del hogar, sobre todo es involucrar a las regiones en el crecimiento económico. Yacopí es un municipio del departamento de Cundinamarca donde su problemática ha sido el deterioro de las vías de acceso a la región y a las escasas oportunidades laborales de sus pobladores. por tanto, la Asociación de Mujeres busca que esta región fabrique y comercialice la panela y se aprovechen los recursos que esta vereda brinda, ya que los campesinos cosechan en sus fincas la caña de azúcar y luego la procesan para obtener este gran producto energético de esta manera se dará a conocer el municipio por su fabricación de panela y liderazgo en emprendimientos sociales de la región.The following project analyzes the feasibility of carrying out a PANELGRUP SOCIAL enterprise in the village of El Banco, in the municipality of Yacopi Cundinamarca, a company that values the effort and skills of women heads of household, empowering them to obtain income and support in home economics, above all is to involve the regions in economic growth. Yacopi is a municipality in the department of Cundinamarca where its problem has been the deteroration of the access roads to the region and the few job opportunities for its inhabitants. Therefore, the women s Association seeks that this region manufactures and markets panela and takes advantage of the resources that this village provides, since the peasants harvest sugar cane on their farms and then process it to obtain this great energy product from this region. In this way, municipality will be known for its manufacture of panela and leadership in social enterprises in the region

    IoT for Urban Sustainability in Smart Cities

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    Time grid generator for Beat synchronization systems on an embedded system

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    Despite the fact that Beat detection is a natural process of human perception, computer algorithms have a hard time deciding the presence of a beat. Considering the importance of beats in music, starting with the fact that they give the temporal markup, this Project focuses in the implementation, evaluation and enhancement of some common beat detection algorithms in order to select the one with best results and implement that one on an embedded system. Furthermore, a compatibility issue was found regarding the interfaces used by different devices when synchronizing them. Actually, MIDI interfaces are used, but not all support it, moreover that type of interface restricts the complexity of the tracks

    Advances in Science No. 01

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    Esta publicación tiene la decidida intención de acercar la investigación que realiza la Universidad del Rosario de Bogotá, Colombia, a un gran número de lectores para mostrarles, desde el periodismo científico, el quehacer investigativo de la institución. Queremos presentarle al mundo, tal como lo dijo hace dos siglos uno de nuestros hijos más ilustres, Francisco José de Caldas, el sentido final del ejercicio de investigar: “[...] todo para bienestar de los hombres”.It is the explicit goal of this publication is to get research carried out by the Universidad del Rosario in Bogotá, Colombia to a large number of readers, showing them, through sci-ence journalism, the daily investigative work carried out at this institution. And we want the world to see it in the spirit of the ultimate meaning of the practice of research, just as it was expressed two centuries ago by one of our most illustrious sons, Francisco José de Caldas, who underlined that it is “all for the well-being of humankind.

    D. Die einzelnen romanischen Sprachen und Literaturen.

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